So this is the wonderful surprise I came home to on my birthday in the new pad. Andre had lit tea lights along the lounge to my bedroom which had been completed that day. When I walked in I saw the bed covered in ballons and a wonderful bday cake lit up saying "Happy Bday Emma Baby" - I almost died of shock that he had managed to do all of this - let's just say when I told all my English colleagues they all looked rather sheepish and could only muster the words "Don't ever tell my girlfriend about this!"
Needless to say it was the best bday surprise ever, oh but it did not end there, next was a trip to Marina Mall for what I was convinced was to be a dinner in the revolving restaurant. Oh but I was so far off as we pulled up to the marina and climbed aboard the Shuja Yacht - owned by Le Royal Meridien it is a dining cruise taking you along the Corniche in a serene manner whilst enjoying a lovely buffet washed down with champers!! Basically he is a superstar.